Thursday, October 05, 2006

Game Dev Weekend

from Tony Tyler, ATEC Visiting Assistant Professor and faculty sponsor for the Arts and Technology Student Association (ATSA):

Hi everyone.

As the faculty sponsor for the Arts and Technology Student Association (ATSA), I cordially invite you and your students to join our members to the first, ever, ATSA Game Development Weekend.

1. Labs will be open from 10/13/06 at 12:00 p.m. until 10/15/06 at 12:00 a.m. That's 60+ hours of open lab. So even if students don't want to participate, they have a lot of lab time open.

2. No experience is required. No set length of time is required. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed. Thursday night, 10/12/06, at 10:00 p.m., we will have a ramp-up session for everyone who is interested.

3. Every discipline is needed, IE., Sound, 3D, Design, Programming, Film, etc.

4. The weekend will end with the ATSA meeting on Sunday night with free BBQ, and a showing off of the level.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Onyx Project

...a small independent film made for computer viewing aspires to blend serious cinematic storytelling with the popular shuffle feature in iPods and other music players. The film, “The Onyx Project,” is meant to be an experiment in nonlinear storytelling for the digital age.

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