Monday, September 04, 2006


Interesting little blip on self marketing using social networks. excerpt:

If so-called "MySpace phenomena" such as the Arctic Monkeys and Lily Allen (bands) continue to emerge through self-promotion and are given unprecedented direct selling access to their MySpace-addicted audience, where do the big guys fit in exactly?

The big guys in this case being the record labels..

and this:

YouTube makes a guitar hero

7+ million views - check out the article. The power of internet video in all its glory.

"Like a celebrity sex tape or a Virgin Mary sighting, the video drew hordes of seekers with diverse interests and attitudes. Guitar sites, MySpace pages and a Polish video site called Smog linked to it, and viewers thundered to YouTube to watch it. If individual viewings were shipped records, “guitar” would have gone gold almost instantly. Now, with nearly 7.35 million views — and a spot in the site’s 10 most-viewed videos of all time — funtwo’s performance would be platinum many times over."


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